She reported that they have been increasing their enrollment and are getting more and more children by the year and now the foundation is sadly lacking in funds. They do get donations but because of the growth in their classrooms they are going to have to make a hard choice of turning away kids, or even parents ( who attend vocational seminars to have a sustainable livelihood) or even worse, cut down their much needed staff (teachers, caretakers etc) When I asked her for a breakdown she said that they need a minimum of Php 2M a year in order to just stay afloat. If they could get more than that in a year then they could add more vocational programs for the parents ( mostly the mothers) and perhaps have more food for the feeding program or even teachers. This broke my heart because they currently have Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep classes, plus they try and have a sustainable 'Alumni Kids Program' for the older kids who can no longer participate in the classes-and without additional funds they will have to pare down many things. Living Learning doesn't make any profit for itself it just stays afloat from year to year. Right now they are taking care of about 200 children, and are hoping to still be able to maintain that or increase it ( with more funding in the coming years).
To give a quick breakdown, to keep ONE kid in school costs Php 10,000 a YEAR which is Php 833 a month! So this blog is a quick shout out to anyone and everyone who would like to make slight difference in a kid's ( and his or her parent's) life. Plus, you can be sure that you will get regular reports of where your money is going ( I have decided to donate a minimum amount on a monthly basis) as Learning for Living can issue receipts and you can always go and visit the facility in San Jose, Rodriguez in Rizal.
Donations can be made via their peso account: Living for Learning Foundation Inc. BPI Family Bank, acct # 5843-1609-31 or through their dollar account BPI Family Bank # 687-400-5191. I know everyone must have their own charities of choice but this is a chance to also contribute to the growth of a small community month after month so giving is a consistent regular thing, rather than just giving and forgetting. I do hope that even spreading the word about this program to other interested parties will help, as money is something that they are in dire need of for the near and far off future.
Learning for Living Foundation is located at the Tipanan Hose, Camia St. San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines. their email is learningforlivingph@yahoo.ca and tel. 948-4415.