Sunday, October 21, 2007

Aman's Art

It's funny how people can take you by surprise. While at Maribago Bluewater Resort my friends were talking about a up and coming painter, Aman Santos, they were complimenting his style and also the fact that he was in his 30s but could pass for a teenager. I was looking forward to meeting him and seeing his art at the Bluewater Gallery. Lo and behold, turns out AMAN is really DINGDONG Santos from my highschool! He was one batch below me and we were both on the Student Council (yes, laugh now) together in the 80s! Ha ha ha! Too funny, of course being me, I ripped his ego to shreds by calling him Dingdong in front of everyone, he was a good sport anyway and he laughingly defended his name change by saying "Who would buy a painting by an artist named DINGDONG?!" The Aman has a po-wint. He walked me to the gallery and showed me his work, part of the three man exhibit and suffice to say I was taken aback by what I saw. I would never have expected it out of him, not because he wasn't smart or creative back in highschool, but I certainly didn't think he would ever be a painter, shows you how much you know when you're that young. I guess school doesn't make aMan. I then found out that he was one of BenCabs apprentices and even if he studied to be a PT he went back to UP for Fine Arts and is now even teacher in their VizComm department. Take at look at some of his work. If you're in Cebu drop by the Bluewater Gallery at Maribago Bluewater Resort to check out the Art of Three Exhibit that runs until November 20. The resort is in the Mactan side of Cebu province you can call Juliet Amazona (032) 492-1808 or 232-5411 if you're a non-resort staying guest for an exhibit viewing appointment.

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